
Check facial expressions and position of the bodies of these players. Are they having jitters?

Check facial expressions and position of the bodies of these players. Are they having jitters?

How many times have you felt nervous before an event that was important? Whether it’s at school, at a college exam, an important presentation, a public speech or an important meeting. Even athletes are nervous and get the jitters before important matches or competitions. Continue reading


Zapazite facijalnu ekspresiju i položaj tela

Zapazite facijalnu ekspresiju i položaj tela

Koliko ste puta osetili tremu pred neki dogadjaj koji vam je  važan? Bilo da je to u školi, ispit na fakultetu,važna prezentacija, javni nastup, razgovor koji vam je važan. I sportisti imaju tremu pred važan meč ili takmičenje. Continue reading